April 22nd 2-4pm, Earth Day talk and music

A talk on the right to land with Music by Gina Clowes and Jack Dunlap plus chocolate tasting …. Join us

Donations welcomed at the door for the San Bushman legal fund

Jumanda Gakelebone, San Bushman, indigenous leader of First Peoples of the Kalahari will be attending the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York from April 16-20, 2018 to highlight the plight and human rights violations suffered by the San Bushmen in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve (CKGR) in Botswana. Since the late 1990s thousands of San people have been forcibly resettled from their ancestral homelands where they lived in harmony with the land and animals for thousands of years.
A group of around 300 San won a lawsuit in 2004 that gave them the right to return to the CKGR, yet the Government of Botswana has not allowed them to hunt small game, drill wells for water, bring livestock or carry on their subsistence lives.
Mr. Gakelebone along with San Lawyer Gordon Bennett and Anthropologist Maria Sapignoli will be in Washington DC from April 23-27, 2018 to meet with the US Congress, State Department, World Bank, and Conservation and Human Rights leaders.